Bringing more transparency to Cardano’s Project Catalyst
Transparency and auditing for a healthy ecosystem
About us
Project catalyst is a core driving force behind the Cardano Ecosystem. But as with all open systems it can be subject to misuse and abuse. Catalyst Audit is a project funded by Catalyst to help bring more transparency around current and past Catalyst proposals for the Cardano community
Want to Help?
If you would like to help audit projects funded by catalyst please get in touch via the below.

Featured Articles
A beginner’s overview of Catalyst (Cardano’s Treasury and innovation lab)
Considering the audience of people I have for these articles, it might seem like I’m beating a dead horse
Catalyst Expense Review
Background Smart Contract Audit Tokenwas funded in Project Catalyst’s Fund 6 for the category “Improve and Grow Auditability”. The purpose
Featured Audits
The core selection of Catalyst audits
Smart Contract Audit Token F6 Expenses
Note: This article’s wording is nearly identical to the F5 expenses. They are essentially the same except one is
Smart Contract Audit Token F5 Expenses
As we are trying to encourage all Catalyst funded projects to share their expense data, it is only fair that
Catalyst Fund 2-7 Analysis
Preface The information contained in this website is meant to improve the transparency and accountability of all Catalyst funded proposals

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